3 Reasons Why You Should Only Buy New Tires

If you have been shopping around for tires for your car, you might have thought about buying a used set. This can seem like a good way to save money when your car needs tires, but it's often a much better idea to buy new tires. These are a few of the main reasons why.

1. It Might Be Cheaper Than You Think

First of all, even though you might think that used tires are a better deal, you might be surprised by the great deals that you can find on a new set. Plus, new tires can also be a better deal since they can last a whole lot longer than used tires, so you won't have to replace them nearly as soon. Consider shopping around so that you can look for the best deals on new tires in your area.

2. You Can't Always Spot Problems with Used Tires

You might think that you will be fine with buying used tires as long as you carefully inspect them. This might seem like the case, and even though you can look at things like tread depth, there are some problems that you can't see. For example, tiny holes might not be obvious at first, until you find that your tires are leaking air. Older tires can also begin to break down from the inside, which also might not be visible. With a new set, you shouldn't have to worry about any of these problems. Plus, many new tires come with warranties, so if you do find something wrong with them, you might be able to have them replaced.

3. Having Matching Tires is Important

In many cases when you buy used tires, you have to buy tires that do not match. This might not seem like a big deal, but it's truly better to have tires that match. If your tires all have different tread wear, for example, it could affect the way that your vehicle handles and stops. A new, matching set can be a much better option for safer and more comfortable handling.

As you can see, even though you might be a bit tempted to purchase used tires for your car, this generally is not a good idea. Instead, check out a tire shop near you that sells new tires. Then, you can find out about a good set of new tires so that you can avoid the many problems that go along with used options.

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Choosing The Right Wheels For Your Climate

After we moved to an area that got a lot more snow, we realized that the wheels that we had on our car weren't the ones we wanted to use. We started focusing on choosing wheels that would work better when driving in inclement weather, and within a few days, we were able to track down a set of wheels that worked better for where we were living. It was incredible to see how much of a difference it made having a vehicle that gripped the road, and I was really pleased with how nice it was. This blog is all about choosing incredible wheels for your car and avoiding problems along the way.

