Tired Tires? 5 Signs You Need New Ones

How often do you buy new tires? Chances are that you do not buy them often enough. Failing to replace your tires as needed can be dangerous, especially when you realize that many accidents are caused by tire failure.

1. Your Tires Are Bulging

Any sort of bulging is likely a sign of your tire slowly deflating. This could be caused by low tire pressure, but it could also be related to cracks that are slowly forcing air out. Bulges could also indicate that your tires are on their way to a blow out.

2. Your Tread Is Worn

The penny test is a great way to determine how worn your tread is, and it is quite easy to do. Simply place a penny in the tread with President Lincolns head pointing down. If you are able to see the top of his head, your tread is too low. If you have a brand new set of tires, you may actually see a built-in pattern that is meant to demonstrate the amount of wear at which you need to replace your tires.

3. Your Tires Are Cracked

Cracked tires are a sure sign that something it is time for a change. You may want to consider buying a new set of tires if begin noticing small cracks on the sidewall. It takes just one small crack to lead to a bigger issue.

4. You See Weak Spots

A blister on the tire indicates that you have a weak spot. This is especially dangerous as this small blister could actually lead you to have a blow out while you are driving. Blow outs are dangerous because they can send you into a tailspin, even on the freeway when you are driving at high speeds.

5. You Feel Vibration

Your car may vibrate in a way that indicates that things are out of balance. Be on the lookout for shimmying and other issues that indicate that your car may be aligned incorrectly or in a way that makes your tires operate unevenly. It could save you from a terrible fate in the future if you catch the problem ahead of time.

Your tires keep your car in great working order. Without four functioning tires, you will struggle to get very far at all. Make sure that you take your car in to a professional any time you believe you are going to experience a problem with your car.

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Choosing The Right Wheels For Your Climate

After we moved to an area that got a lot more snow, we realized that the wheels that we had on our car weren't the ones we wanted to use. We started focusing on choosing wheels that would work better when driving in inclement weather, and within a few days, we were able to track down a set of wheels that worked better for where we were living. It was incredible to see how much of a difference it made having a vehicle that gripped the road, and I was really pleased with how nice it was. This blog is all about choosing incredible wheels for your car and avoiding problems along the way.

